- silicon carbide
- diamond
- metal abrasives
- coated abrasives
- bonded abrasives products
- and more
OVER 1,200 COMPANIES - company name
- address
- date established
- contact people with phone and fax number, email address
- website address
- detailed description of product lines.
China is the largest producer of abrasives worldwide, supplying both domestic demand and growing export markets that a recent Freedonia report forecasts to grow at 6% per year reaching $40 billion worldwide by 2017. Over half of all abrasives demand generated between 2012 and 2017 will be attributable to China offering a tremendous opportunity to suppliers worldwide. However, it is hard to find business information in English for manufacturing in China, particularly for the abrasive industry.
To meet a need for information, Business Data International Inc collected data and compiled the first ever English-language China Abrasives Directory in 2010. To follow the success of that directory, a 2015 edition has been greatly expanded and completely updated revising particularly details for contacts, email, and website URLs. We believe this edition is a must-have for anyone who is doing business in the Chinese abrasive industry.